KEK: An Alien Romance (Pleasure Invaders Book 2) Read online

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  Pain ran through his body, but Julia’s touch strengthened him enough to heal the bruises with ease. “I am well, mate. But you must warn me when there is an obstacle in my way. I gave up my vision long ago when I healed Ruth.”

  Julia gasped. “Why would you do that?”

  “I could not let such a kind creature suffer so.”

  “You can’t see anything?” She helped him to his feet and pressed close to him as she waited for his answer.

  “I cannot.”

  “There are three more steps up, then it’s flat again. The bed is only five or six paces beyond that.”


  “Yes. I’ve hardly slept since the accident. I want to know everything about you. And what I read in Ruth’s diary. But it’s cold and dark out, and I have a gas fireplace next to the bed, and we’ll be warm.”

  Warm. He had not been warm in a very long time. And he’d not slept in a bed since before the crash. “I will go anywhere with you, Julia. I only wish to remain near.”

  “If we stay close, you won’t have to go back...into your vessel?” She guided him to her bed, and her scent surrounded him as she pulled soft, heavy blankets over him, then moved around for a moment before she fit herself to his side.

  “I do not know. But I believe I can remain in this form for a time. If I cannot, you have only to touch my vessel as you did before to free me.” He did not want to experience the pain of confinement again. Nor the dulling of his mind as he entered stasis. Being parted from his mate would be torture. But the only way to ensure his permanent freedom was to complete the mate bond, and he did not think his Julia was ready for that yet.

  “Kek? I don’t want you to go.” Her lips pressed to his, and their bond flared, strength flowing through him. His tongue sought entrance, and she yielded to him, letting him sink his hands into her hair and pull her even closer. “This is insane,” she whispered as he kissed along her jaw, to her neck, and back to her ear.

  “This,” he said against her shoulder, “is how it should be.”

  Chapter 6


  Heat like she’d never known flared to life between her thighs, threatening to set her ablaze. It boiled her blood until only the coolness of Kek’s lips could soothe the burn. She drank him in, opening not only her mouth for him, but also her heart, her soul, and even if she wanted to push him away, she couldn’t.

  It was like she forgot how to breathe without his taste to guide her.

  She’d never wanted anything or anyone so badly in her entire life and she was sure with every shift of Kek’s hips against hers, that no one else had either. Whatever flowed between them wasn’t just sensual, it was reality shifting.

  Time seemed to stand still as she angled her head, letting him drag his tongue down the slope of her neck. Her nipples pebbled with a stroke of his tongue against the tender skin between her breasts. Pressure built in her throat, and her cheeks heated as a tiny mewl escaped.

  She snapped her jaw shut, embarrassed at making such a sound, when Kek tightened his grip and scored his teeth along the ridge of her collarbone, forcing another moan from her throat that he answered with a growl.

  “By the ancients, you taste like heaven,” he said. One of his hands gripped her thigh, the other firmly entangled in her hair. His fingers were strong and gentle all at once, and she answered his touch with one of her own.

  As she traced each crest of muscle that adorned his chest, Kek’s heavy cock thickened against her thigh.

  Was she brave enough to touch him there? Just reach out and brazenly wrap her hand around his thick shaft? She’d never been clever or sexy in the bedroom, but seeing how her touch drove him to buck his hips made her want to take his cock in her mouth until he felt as wildly out of control as she did.

  Even unseeing, Kek seemed to peer into her soul, consuming her every desire and bringing it to life. His fingers gently dipped beneath her panties and caressed her sex. Her clit pulsed with each feather light stroke until she curled into his touch, begging for more.

  Without words, he answered, stroking her harder and faster until the pleasure building inside her threatened to burst. Then he slipped his fingers deep into her channel, and she cried out as he curled them against her G-spot.

  He filled her with his digits alone, and somehow managed to give her the best orgasm of her life without even using his cock.

  She panted as her sex clenched around his fingers. “It feels like you’ve got a road map to my body. No one’s ever made me feel like this before.”

  “I may not see as you do, my sweet Julia, but I have memorized every single one of your curves.” His hip shifted—his hard cock now teasing her entrance, and after releasing her hair, he nudged her breast with his nose. “Here…” he said roughly, letting his breath tickle her skin. “And here.” She squirmed as his tongue caressed the softness of her belly.

  He curled his fingers, using his thumb to press against her sensitive nub, then lowered his mouth until there was but a whisper of space between them.

  “And…” she gasped, completely immersed in the moment.

  “Here, mate. Always here. And anywhere else you desire that I be.”

  She moaned as he pulled her panties to the side and dipped his tongue between her swollen lower lips, circling the epicenter of her passion. “Kek,” she called, tensing at the foreign sensation. She’d never had a man kiss her there before. She’d always been too shy.

  “Trust me, Julia.”

  There was something incredibly personal about letting someone that close, but with Kek, she felt no shame. In part, because she was so disarmed by his loving presence but also because he couldn’t see like other men. He couldn’t pick her apart or be disappointed in the way she looked.

  Abandoning the self-doubt that had always restricted her before, Julia opened her thighs wide—angling her hips up to welcome him. Kek groaned against her sex while he drank her in, lavishing her with stroke after stroke of his tongue.

  She lifted up on her elbows to watch, unabashed and empowered by the sight. There was something so sexy about the way he seemed to drown in her, and she couldn’t look away. She wanted to do that for him—make him feel the way he was making her feel. But not yet, not until she…

  Fire licked at her belly as Kek scored his teeth along her clit and flicked his tongue down the tight ring of muscle between her cheeks.

  A guttural moan exploded from somewhere deep inside her as she came hard against his expert tongue. She writhed against him, lost in the throes of passion. He rose up and gently touched his forehead to hers, but when she tensed, he pulled back.

  “My apologies, Julia. I only wished to...sense your emotions. It is easiest this way. Since I cannot see your face, this...can help. Forgive me.”

  Still on fire for him, Julia tangled her fingers in his hair and guided him closer so their foreheads touched once more. “Don’t ever apologize for that, Kek. Feel me. Feel what you do to me.”

  His hand pressed to the mound of her curls that still glistened for him, and Julia angled her hips to increase the pressure.

  Kek took over, finding her G-spot and working her until she was little more than a puddle of goo on sweaty sheets. When he collapsed next to her, panting, she reached for him, wrapped her hand around his cock, and began to stroke.

  He shivered under her touch, and like a powerful spell, it infused her with waves of lust-ridden confidence. She’d just barely met him, but she knew him. In that moment with their hands and mouths tangled, she discovered all she needed to know.

  What she found with him would and could never exist with another.

  He really was hers. And she was his.

  Julia directed the tip of his cock to her entrance and stared into his eyes. She had no words for the perfection of this moment. And even though his pupils were cloudy, she knew he could see her. Not the way most people see, but on a whole other level. Deeper, more intimate, more intense.

  With a gentle thrust, he en
tered her, one hand delicately cupping her cheek. His breaths were heavy against her neck, and with each movement, she fell deeper and deeper into the swirling emotions that had settled in her chest the first time he’d touched her.

  Love. Trust. Need.

  Firm lips pressed against hers, and the hand cupping her cheek slid into her hair so their foreheads touched again. She could tell he needed her closer, and she angled her hips, letting him slide deeper as their mouths collided in passion.

  She clawed at his back, trying to savor every second of the intense connection flowing between them, and when she clenched around him and fell over the edge, he came along with her.

  Chapter 7


  A noise outside her window woke her. Footsteps, maybe? The sun had gone down sometime while she and Kek had slept in each other’s arms. Julia smiled and pressed a quick kiss to her lover’s cheek. He’d stayed. Whatever flowed between them had given him enough strength to remain by her side.

  Kek stirred and sat straight up in bed as the muffled sound of crunching leaves once again filled the modest room. “There is someone outside your dwelling.”

  Julia wrapped an arm around him and rested her head on his shoulder. “It’s probably just the neighbors. They’re an elderly couple, and they both have memory problems. Sometimes, one or the other of them slips out at night and tends to the garden because they forget they’re supposed to be asleep.”

  “You are sure?” Kek asked, his head cocked with his ear toward the window.

  “Well, not a hundred percent, no. But this neighborhood is unbelievably safe. The only action we get is when someone complains about the HOA dues.”

  Kek furrowed his brow in the dim light of the fireplace. “I do not understand this H-O-A or the word neighborhood, but my instincts tell me whoever is outside is male. The footsteps are heavy. This couple you speak of…they are both strong?”

  “She’s just a little bitty thing, but he’s tall. It’s nothing to worry about, promise. I’ll just go outside and help them home. Then when I get back…” Julia traced a finger down Kek’s naked abs. “I’m going to show you how much what we just did means to me.”

  Kek’s cock hardened, its tip rising with her every breath. He pressed his lips to the back of her ear and whispered, “Be safe, mate. I do not like this, but I will trust you.”

  Not bothering with her panties, Julia threw on a robe and slippers and hurried out the door. It was cold outside, and with Mr. and Mrs. Ellish being so frail, she didn’t want to risk them getting sick.

  The wind stung her cheeks, and her wooden porch groaned with each step. She quickened her steps across the lawn toward the small area between the Ellishs’ house and her own. The temperature was lower than she expected, and it wasn’t uncommon for her to see Mrs. Ellish outside pulling weeds in only her nightgown at 2:00 a.m. Sometimes, even less.

  The ground was slushy and in the early stages of freezing, and as she turned to peek around the corner she called out against the wind. “Mrs. Ellish? Are you out here, ma’am?”

  When she heard no answer, Julia continued deeper into her yard, thinking that perhaps, the little old lady had gone to Julia’s greenhouse thinking it was her own. The door was stiff, but opened after a few good tugs.

  “Lonneta? Are you in here? I’m sure Clancy would like you back home. It’s freezing out here.”

  Well, if she’s not here, where is she?

  Tightening the belt on her robe, Julia headed back out into the yard but froze after two steps. Large boot prints tracked from one side of her property to the next, and terror tightened her throat. Her heart leapt in her chest, and just before she took off back toward Kek’s arms to call the police, a sharp pain exploded in the back of her head and her vision faded.

  The last word she was able to mutter was his name on her lips. “Kek…”

  Chapter 8


  He leapt from the bed as a lance of Julia’s fear hit him square in the chest. Something was wrong. She was moving away from him, swiftly, but he could no longer sense her consciousness. All he knew was that she still lived.

  Racing in the direction his mate had gone when she’d left him, his foot landed on nothing but air and he fell head-first down the short set of stairs that led from her bedroom.

  Blood trickled from his nose, but he still had enough power from their new mate bond to heal himself quickly. As soon as he did, however, desperation took hold. He was free from his vessel, yes. But in a world he did not know and could not see, and his mate was in danger.

  He could not simply rush after her. Think. What do you know of this world?

  Clothing. He could not go after his Julia without covering his nakedness. He would draw too much attention to himself. Would his mate have anything suitable for him? She was so tiny. Curvy, yes, but when she stood, the top of her head only came to his chin.

  Memories of his brief afternoons with Ruth flowed through his mind. She always spoke of getting him a robe or blanket from her “closet.” Would Julia have a closet as well? Kek carefully climbed the stairs once more and felt his way around her bedroom. A set of doors he had not been through before parted for him, and his fingers brushed against many different textures of cloth suspended on hard triangles.

  One by one, he withdrew them and tried to figure out if they would cover him. It took him many tries, but finally found a long piece of cloth with ties that he wrapped around his waist. It fell just past his knees.

  Another item, something that felt like it was made in the same style as the pillow Ruth had crafted for his vessel, stretched over his massive chest. This would have to be enough. With every moment that passed, his Julia moved farther away from him, and the pain of their separation grew.

  “I will find you, my mate. I swear on my life.”

  He strode out of her bedroom, this time remembering the location of the stairs, and followed her scent to another door.

  This one led outside where a blast of cold air shocked him and made it more difficult for him to track Julia’s movements. He closed his useless eyes, relying on his other senses to trace her. Crouching down, he felt the ground until his fingers dipped into small depressions. Her footsteps.

  A hint of her fear made him shudder, and he traced her steps until he found much larger ones crisscrossing hers. This was the male he had sensed. A sickly stench marked his tracks, like something fermented mixed with unwashed stink.

  And then… No!

  Julia’s blood. Not much of it. Only a few drops. Enough to injure her, but not kill her. Rising, Kek sniffed the air. The unpleasant odor of the enemy was easy to follow, and he picked his way carefully over the slushy, frozen ground, the soles of his feet tingling with cold. He wished he had thought to search her home for boots, but he could bear this discomfort to stay as close to her as he could.

  Long, deep marks in the mud mixed with the scent of Julia’s blood and that of her attacker, and Kek let out a roar. A vehicle. She’d been taken away in a vehicle, and he had no idea how he could possibly find her.


  Her head swam, and no matter how hard she fought to open her eyes, she failed. Something was wrong, she knew it, but her thoughts were scattered and she couldn’t focus.

  Why can’t I wake up?

  Agony ricocheted around in her skull, and her temples pulsed with the beat of her heart, and for a second, she didn’t understand. All she was doing was walking outside to find Mrs. Ellish…

  Oh, no. The footsteps. The crushing pain in her head.

  As she rushed toward consciousness, Julia cracked one swollen eye open but could see nothing but a tiny glow. Where was she? Road noise filled her ears, and when she turned onto her side and met resistance, chills spread down her spine.

  Not only was she bound and bleeding, she was in the trunk of a car.

  Someone had kidnapped her. But why? And who?

  The car jerked back and forth, and the faint sound of someone yelling in the cab filtered
into the tiny space she’d been forced into. The voice was male and very angry. She couldn’t make out the words but she knew the sound of hate, and whatever he was spewing was filled with it.

  Trying once more to flip onto her back was a mistake. The cut she had on the side of her head scraped against something sharp, reopening the wound. Shit. At this rate, she’d bleed to death before the crazy man who’d taken her could get a chance to kill her. Or do...other things to her.

  Dizzy but still determined, Julia pulled at her restraints—testing her arms and legs. Metal bit into her skin, hard and unforgiving, allowing her little space to move. Zip ties around her ankles and wrists. Whoever had taken her had come prepared and the thought made her retch.

  She didn’t want to die. Not just after she’d just found…


  Each heavy breath tightened the vise-like grip of her panic. What if he was hurt? What if whoever hit her had taken him too? Or worse, killed him?

  He was incredibly strong and agile but he couldn’t see! He wouldn’t know if someone broke in. Plus, he didn’t know her house. How to get around. He’d fallen on the stairs. What other dangers would her house and yard hold for her blind alien?

  Lights exploded behind Julia’s eyes as the driver took a sharp right, and she was thrown against the back of the trunk. Her head smashed against the hard covering of the backseat, and she gasped as the pain threatened to rip her consciousness away.

  She had to stay awake and focused if she were going to get out of this alive. She couldn’t die, not without knowing if her Kek was safe. Tears burned her eyes, but when she tried to rub them on her shoulder, the glow from the odd little tab caught her eye. Of course, wasn’t that what those crime shows had taught her? That all trunks had a manual release?

  Dragging herself by her knees and elbows, she shimmied back to the middle of the trunk, trying to twist her body so she could grasp the tab with her bound hands. But every time the car swerved she fell back with a thud.